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Waitlist Terms and Conditions

Introduction Thank you for your interest in the Internal Medicine practice of Lucas Policastro, MD ("Practice"). These Terms and Conditions ("Terms") govern your signing up for and participation in our waiting list ("Waitlist"). By completing the sign-up process for the Waitlist, you ("You" or "Participant") are agreeing to be legally bound by these Terms.

What is the Waitlist? The Waitlist is for membership in any potential, future outpatient Internal Medicine practice of Dr. Policastro in the vicinity of Effingham County, Georgia. Dr. Policastro's independent Practice also includes other locations and types of practice, such as inpatient hospital medicine, which are not related to this Waitlist. Please know that opening and establishment of the Practice locally in Effingham County, Georgia may or may not occur, and has no fixed schedule. The Practice may not materialize in the expected style or format.

No Guarantee of Membership Participation in the Waitlist does not guarantee membership in the Practice. Acceptance from the Waitlist is subject to establishment of the practice locally, followed by availability, and is at the sole discretion of the Practice. We reserve the right to refuse membership to any individual based on our availability, capacity, and in accordance with applicable laws and regulations. You should not delay or postpone medical care, primary care visits, or routine physicals in expectation of access to the Practice! All individuals should be established with a primary care physician at all times to ensure optimal health and access to care.

No Obligation for Services Being placed on the Waitlist does not create a patient-physician relationship or obligate the Practice to provide you with healthcare services.

Medicare Members Due to federal law, individuals enrolled in Medicare will not be eligible to join the Practice under a Direct Primary Care contract while Lucas Policastro, MD is a Medicare participating physician. Should the physician opt out of Medicare, eligibility may change, but there is no guarantee this will occur.

Eligibility To be eligible to join the Waitlist, you must:
1. Be at least 16 years of age.
2. Be a legal resident of the State of Georgia, having possession of a valid Georgia State ID or other proof of primary residence.
Failure to meet these criteria will result in your ineligibility to participate in the Waitlist.

Sign-Up Process To sign up for the Waitlist, you must complete a survey, during which you will be asked to provide your legal name, email address, other contact information as requested, and survey question responses. The information collected will be protected in accordance with our Data Collection policy, as outlined in the Terms of Use.

Practice Structure and Pricing You acknowledge and agree that the services offered by the Practice, including but not limited to its fee structure, the services included within its membership, and the patient eligibility criteria, are subject to change at any time without prior notice. To serve a wider range of patients, such as those enrolled in Medicare, Lucas Policastro, MD may or may not adopt a hybrid practice structure with distinct patient eligibility criteria and patient contracts. Any Direct Primary Care practice offered will be subject to Georgia ยง33-7-2.1. No form of insurance will be provided by the Practice.

Waitlist Prioritization and Removal Placement on the Waitlist is determined on a first-come, first-served basis, subject to further prioritization at the discretion of the Practice. Criteria for prioritization may include factors such as medical need and age category. Upon selection from the Waitlist, membership in the practice will further depend upon your agreement to patient contract(s), confirmation that the appropriate type and level of health care services you require are able to be provided by the practice, and initial payment of any periodic fees. The Practice reserves the right to remove individuals from the Waitlist for reasons including, but not limited to, lack of response to communications, moving residence out of Georgia, or at the individual's request. Individuals aged 16-17 may join the Waitlist but will not be eligible to join the Practice until age 18.

Communication You agree to receive communications regarding your status on the Waitlist and other updates from the Practice via the email address you provided. It is your responsibility to maintain the accuracy of your contact information and to regularly check for correspondence from the practice. You may be requested to confirm your ongoing interest in remaining on the Waitlist from time to time, and non-response to such requests will result in your removal from the Waitlist.

Termination of Waitlist The Practice reserves the right to terminate the Waitlist program in its entirety at any time, with or without notice, and will have no liability or obligation to individuals on the Waitlist as a result of such termination.

Opt-Out Provision If you wish to have your Waitlist submission deleted, please contact us at [email protected].

Rights to submitted material We greatly appreciate your survey responses. In order for us to use your suggestions and ideas to improve the Practice, we need to retain the right to utilize them without restrictions or royalties. By participating in this survey and submitting any ideas, suggestions, concepts, or other content as a free text response ("submission"), you give us an irrevocable and royalty-free license to use your submission and the ideas or concepts contained therein, for the purposes of the Practice. We may modify, adapt, or otherwise use your submission, as well as transfer it to any succeeding or future practices of Lucas Policastro, MD.

Contact Information For questions or concerns regarding these Terms or the Waitlist, please contact Lucas Policastro, MD by email at [email protected].

Reference to Terms of Use These Terms pertaining to the Waitlist are supplementary to the general Terms of Use for the website of the Practice, which are incorporated into these Terms by reference. By joining the Waitlist, you indicate your agreement both to these Terms, and the Terms of Use. Other aspects of your use of the Website shall continue to be governed by the Terms of Use.

In the event of any discrepancies or conflicts between the provisions of these Terms and those outlined in the Terms of Use, this document shall take precedence.

Severability If any part of these Terms is found to be not valid or not enforceable, it shall not affect the enforceability of any other provisions of these Terms, and such provision shall be deemed severable from this agreement.

Governing Law These Terms and your use of the Waitlist shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of the State of Georgia, without giving effect to any principles of conflicts of law. Disputes arising from the Waitlist shall be under the jurisdiction of the courts of Georgia.

Amendment The Practice reserves the right to amend these Terms at any time. Any changes will be effective as soon as they are posted on our Site. Those on the Waitlist will be notified of any changes in these Terms. Your remaining on the Waitlist following any changes will constitute your acceptance of such changes. If you wish to be deleted from the Waitlist, contact [email protected].

Entire Agreement These Terms constitute the entire agreement between You and the Practice regarding the Waitlist and supersede all prior or contemporaneous negotiations, discussions, or agreements between you and the Practice concerning the subject matter hereof.

Acknowledgment of Terms By submitting the Waitlist signup form, you explicitly affirm that you have read, understood, and agreed to the Terms set forth in this document and agree to be legally bound by them. We recommend that you print a copy of these Terms for your records.

Original Effective Date: Jan 1, 2024
Last Updated: 7/16/2024